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Which Hogwarts house do you belong to?

Watching or reading Harry Potter, you’re sure to find that one of the Hogwarts schools that you like the best is your favorite. If you think you’re the best person for Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, or Hufflepuff, we’re going to find out which harry potter house are you in today.

If you answer the questions with your own opinions and tastes, you’ll be put in the right house for you. Hogwarts House can make or break your time at Hogwarts. Keep reading to learn more about what each house can do for you and which harry potter house are you in.

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  1. If you’re a big fan of the books and movies, you’re bound to be in Gryffindor. It is the place where Harry Potter, Ron, and Hermione live.
  2. Many fans always wish they could be in the dorms with these three best friends. Houses at Hogwarts give you places to learn and live during your time at school.
  3. People move into one of four houses each year, where they live and go to school together. House points are earned or lost based on how you act at school.
  4. The house with the most points will win the House Cup by the end of the school year. Another important thing about the house process is that each has its Quidditch team.
  5. During the Inter-House Quidditch Cup, each house fights with each other very hard, and it’s a big part of the year!